Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Spending a day with myself

Today i am spending a day with myself. No, it isn't just a coincidence . Infact it has required a clever and cunning planning. The idea floated into my head a few days ago when i sat cross eyed in front of my pc in my office and stared pathetically out of the window to the next building . I realized that i was not really contributing anything after all to the chaos that was my work ,neither was i contributing anything to myself and the nagging question of what i really wanted to do hit me hard. Now its too late in the day to think of a total change in career i suppose and so i thought i would just spend a day with myself unleashing the inner self that is me. And so here i am today , rambling with myself with the ingenious excuse of waiting for the plumber to fix my hot water system. The thought of creating a blog to ramble to myself has just occured while i flicked carelessly through the web searching for a way to open the window of my emotions..........

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